Manage your documents and applications with ease !
For Windows 10, 8, 7.

A few hints

  • Hit the Alternate-Graphic key once to show or hide the window.
    It is not a key combination, just hit AltGr alone once.
  • To find a particular application or document, enter a name in the filter area.
    You can enter part of the name you search ("diary" will find "My diary.odt" for example), or use jokers ("*.jpg" will find your jpeg pictures). Please note that it is a filter, it will not search files on your drives, it will only filter the applications & documents currently listed in the different areas of AllProgs's window.
  • Some options can be configured.
    Click on the upper button: "Show the options".
  • If the Shift key is pressed while opening the contextual menu of a Favorite document or application, you will see the complete menu.
    The complete menu can have more options than the ordinary menu.
    Please be careful: this menu depends on the actual document or application file, not on a shortcut. Use it only if you know what you are doing.